Lorentz Barrel & Drum
Services Provided
Confidential Client | |
San Jose, California, USA |

The Lorentz Barrel & Drum CERCLA Site (LBD Site), located in San Jose, California, is a former drum recycling facility that accepted over two million drums from 1947 until 1987 when the facility was closed. Drums arrived containing a variety of aqueous wastes, including solvents, acids, oxidizers, and oil; were cleaned using heat, caustics, acids, steam, and/or mechanical methods; and were repainted, resealed, and shipped offsite. Liquid waste and cleaning water were discharged to onsite sumps and basins; some of the material was subsequently drained into site soils or into the storm sewer which ultimately contaminated soil and groundwater. In 1992, a groundwater pump and treat (P&T) system was installed to remediate groundwater at the Site. Today, the groundwater P&T system consists of 15 groundwater extraction wells and a granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment system.
Our Solution
PIONEER is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the groundwater P&T system, NPDES compliance and reporting, groundwater monitoring, report writing, and regulatory negotiation. PIONEER is currently in the process of conducting a Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) in cooperation with the USEPA.
The purpose of the FFS is to perform a holistic evaluation of the performance of remedial actions that have been implemented at the Site and to develop and evaluate alternatives that can more efficiently and effectively achieve all cleanup goals within a reasonable restoration timeframe. Many technologies are being considered and will be thoroughly evaluated in the FFS to identify the preferred remedial alternative for addressing constituents of concern (COCs) in (1) source-area soil and groundwater, and (2) downgradient groundwater.
Modifications to the existing groundwater P&T system are being evaluated as part of the FFS. Other remedial alternatives that may remediate VOCs in groundwater more efficiently than the existing P&T system (e.g., source-area treatment with enhanced in-situ bioremediation, institutional controls, and groundwater monitoring for downgradient groundwater impacts) are also being evaluated. These additional alternatives would not require extraction of impacted groundwater, treatment of extracted groundwater, or discharge of treated effluent.