Navy Software Development
Services Provided
United States Navy | |
Portsmouth, VA, USA |

PIONEER’s Software Development Team has been focused on creating web-based software applications for the United States Navy (USN) since 2002. During this time, we have converted existing USN surveys and healthcare forms, which have historically been completed with a pen and paper, into intuitive, user-friendly, web-based software applications that can be accessed remotely and analyzed quickly and efficiently.
Our Solution
The Electronic Deployment Health Assessment (EDHA) and the Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) are web-based, enterprise software applications that are based on Microsoft SQL Server Database and were built using Microsoft .NET Framework technologies. Service members fill in these assessments via the web and the database collects and reports the information. PIONEER has also developed the EDHA application as a stand-alone installation. The collected EDHA data is transmitted and stored in one global EDHA SQL database. Healthcare professionals can then review the information from both applications and provide assessments. These applications also provide the USN with the information necessary to meet Department of Defense-sanctioned reporting requirements.
The internet Disease Reporting System (DRSi) is a web-based, enterprise software application that is engineered using Microsoft SQL Server Database, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, jQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, Bootstrap, and Web Services technologies. This application is used to capture health incidents (e.g., illnesses) of military personnel and their family members, and perform epidemiological studies with the information. Medical incident reports for more than 100 various diseases are available, and report analyses (including charting and data mining) can be performed in real time. This program was initially developed exclusively for the USN; however, the United States Army adopted this program in 2010.
These applications have been successful because of our developers’ commitment to customer service and their desire to listen, understand, and exceed our customers’ expectations. Our developers’ expertise, customer service, and attention to detail allow them to consistently deliver high-end products.